
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We are starting our Life Skills or health unit in fourth grade. I have been in love with all these cute owls I have seen everywhere and have found a way to incorporate it into my classroom. YEA!!!

So our first section is on self-esteem. We discuss how it can be positive and negative. We also talk about about self-esteem is built. We play a game called"Three of a Kind".  Students are put into groups of three, shocker, and are asked to fin three things that are different from from their partners and then three things that they have in common with their partners.  Its really hard for them to find things that our different but much easier to find things in common.

I use this as a time to talk about how we, as humans, tend to always point out what make others different from us. But that is really is a silly thing to do since we have so much in common! We also talk about how God built use to be special and unique and that it is okay to be different. 

 After our game and talk, the students had to write a paragraph about "Whoo am ?"  They could include any details they wanted. I always encourage them to use their best spelling and grammar.

I then mounted them on colored construction paper.

Last, they went up on our back window as the first part of Room 13's owl themed health unit!

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